Anika's Kenya Experience

“My experience with Camps was brimmed with adventure, wildlife, community, and service.”

The day we arrived at MOI (Mombasa) International Airport, the camp workers welcomed and escorted us onto our ride, from which we proceeded toward camp.
After a three-hour-long drive, we finally reached Camp Tsavo. The aura in the bus was brimming with excitement and longing to reach camp! As soon as we arrived, we jumped out of the bus, collected our bags, and walked toward our room. The rest of the day was leisure time to make friends, explore and take power naps.
The next day, we went to a school called Kale Primary to paint a classroom. We noticed that students do not have a good learning space. We also brought some sports equipment from our school and distributed them as donations after painting the classroom. The students were energetic. WE HAD A BLAST!

The day after, we went to deworm goats. Can you believe it?! Our job was to wrestle goats and orally inject the deworming medicine. I have got to say it was one heck of an adventure! The people there showed us a tutorial on how we should carefully deworm and number the goats. Once that finished, off we went! We wrestled and dewormed 146 goats! Now that’s what I call an achievement!

On the fourth day was where we had a ton of walking. We went hiking up a mountain. It was a challenge to climb. We had to muster up lots of energy to complete the hike. We reached the top and glanced at the scenic view. A view as beautiful as this made our efforts worth it!

The rest of the time was leisure, where we had lots of fun joking around and talking to students from other schools! And let me tell you, even if your friends are not with you, you will have the experience of a lifetime! So do not miss your school trips!

That is all from me! It is Anika, signing Out!

We would like to thank Anika for sharing her experience on the Kenya Impact Expedition: Community and Safari where she contributed to School Improvements and Conservation Work.  These projects address the UN Sustainable Development Goals 1. No Poverty, 2. Zero Hunger, 4. Quality Education, 5. Clean Water and Sanitation, 10. Reduced Inequalities, 13. Climate Action, 15. Life on Land.

We hope you are enjoying reading our ‘Footprint on the Ground’ series.  If you would like to share your own experiences we would love to hear from you.