Real World Studies

Free Teaching Resources

GoAbroad Innovation in Online Programming 2021

Connecting your classroom with the real world

Camps International’s Real World Studies is an educational programme linking the classroom to our projects and partner communities in the real world. Our aim is to help teachers inspire and empower the next generation of global citizens.

Our resources support educators in enriching global curriculums, including the UK National Curriculum, the Australian Curriculum, IB, CAS and more, whilst enhancing students’ skills and their knowledge of our planet.

Along with our Climate Action Project, Real World Studies works to help students become Responsible Travellers.

As a Social Enterprise, we are proud to offer these materials free of charge, they can be accessed  by clicking below.

Access full resource library here

Education happens both in the classroom and the real world

Real World Studies is both an ever-expanding set of educational materials and a philosophy of education. Our approach is grounded in the principle that the education of young people is one that takes place both in a classroom and the real world.

Created by a community of teachers and Camps’ local project experts, our materials and activities use Design Thinking methodology and link to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, giving students the tools to go on and create the world that they want to live in.

Real World Studies consists of a number of interlinked areas of activity, including:

  • Academic subject materials
  • Connect with Camps video-calls with local crew
  • Service work materials appropriate for CAS and D of E
  • Teacher seminars
  • In-country educational activities
  • Language development
  • Travel
  • In-community project work

We also have a selection of materials available in both English and Spanish and the ‘Connect with Camps’ meetings with our Latin American in-country team can be in either language.

‘Connect with Camps’ is the heart of the programme

It is in these live sessions that we see Real World Studies at its most effective. A conversation between students, growing into their role as global citizens, and our regional staff, with first-hand knowledge of the realities of working in sustainable development, can be a powerful educational moment.

In English or in Spanish, students join a ‘Connect with Camps’ call to discuss:

  • Real world issues
  • The UN SDGs, with people who live them day in day out.
  • The ethical responsibilities of travel within the context of being a fully-informed Responsible Traveller

The first ‘Connect with Camps’ calls were held within the context of a “virtual expedition” when travel was prevented by the COVID pandemic. They can still play that role, but they are now also excellent forums for students to prepare for their expedition as knowledgeable, Responsible Travellers.

To organise a ‘Connect with Camps’ call, please complete the request form below.  

Book a ‘Connect with Camps’ call

Connect with Camps Calls

Free, ready-to-use teaching resources

Designed to add authenticity to students’ learning experiences, our educational materials draw upon real-life examples from our unique network of permanent camps and our experience as leaders in sustainable travel. They also utilise relevant data from globally recognised sources – all in one place ready for you and your students to analyse in lessons.

Have a quick look at some of our sample resources below or click through to explore our full library.

Access full resource library here

In line with the aims of our social enterprise, our resources are completely free for all teachers, regardless of whether your school is travelling with us.

However, the benefits to student development are hugely enhanced by the opportunity to apply the learning in real-world situations on expedition. The chance to engage with our projects, communities and local crew from the classroom, before meeting and experiencing these things first-hand, completely transforms the learning experience. This impactful educational journey is completely unique to Camps and unmatched by any other school travel provider.

If you’ve not already set up an expedition in your school and want to know more – please get in touch with us today.

Real World Studies was awarded the ‘Innovation in Online Programming’ at the GoAbroad Awards 2021, a recognition that we have provided an exemplary and intuitive online experience in the field of international and experiential education.

GoAbroad Innovation in Online Programming 2021

More on the award can be read here

A final thank you for all of your help setting up the four fantastic calls with Ecuador, Cambodia, Kenya, and Peru! Our students learned a ton and were inspired by the incredible work your staff is doing. The students are now starting to work on how they will communicate the information they learned/raise awareness about the Climate Action SDG (and SDGs in general) at Loomis